Success Blog

What Really Matters in Life?

This question seems to come up again and again with an accompanying variety of opinions. Michael Josephson provides an insightful and thought provoking answer to this eternal question.
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25 Lessons to Live By

Read 25 life lessons compiled from various sources. They contain timeless wisdom that will make you think and smile at the same time.
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Your Quiet Place

Our lives can be hectic…and at times we lose sight of the source of our power. A personal quiet place can take us there. Do you have one?
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15 Minutes for a Smile That Lasts All Day

How a Free Meal Ended With a Huge Grin
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20 Aphorisms That Belong on Your Wall

An aphorism can communicate a wealth of wisdom in just a few words. These are 20 of my favorites from a classic and a recent bestseller.
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Empower the World with $25

What if the success you are seeking isn't what you want your legacy to be? What steps could you take to change that today?
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Win the Lottery and Give It All Away

What would you do if you won $11 million dollars? Me....I would give it away!
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MIT One-Upped By A Clever High School Student

A high school student writes a unique response to an MIT recruiting letter.
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Just a Pale Blue Dot

Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives.
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How The School System Has Killed Your Ability To Think

There are only two things wrong with the education system: What we teach and how we teach it.
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How Do We See Beauty?

It is human nature to be narcissistic, or absolutely consumed with one’s self-image and ego. But by letting ourselves become consumed with our egos, what are we missing?
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How to Make A Digital Business Card in 5 Easy Steps

In today's increasingly connected world, people are finding information about you through the internet as opposed to more traditional means. Have you ever Googled yourself? Try it now and you’ll probably notice you don’t control most of the sites on the first page. While some may find this scary, take it an opportunity to instead direct these people to a site created by you.
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What A Flash Mob Can Teach You About Life

Flash Mobs are improving the lives of people more than most of those could. People all over the world are finding happiness through such a simple act as dancing with strangers.
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Live Each Day As If It Were Your Last? Not Quite

The old success quote "Live Each Day As If It Were Your Last" almost arrives at the perfect way of viewing each day. Here is a better way of looking at it.
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What Monkeys And 99% Percent Of The Population Have In Common

Society tends to trend towards a set way of doing things. After all, "We've always done it that way!" What if by changing our methods we could ensure that we reach our most important and cherished goals?
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